Surveys and Net Promoter Score

Get users' information, find answers to questions like: why do they hesitate to purchase, what are products you should add to your catalog, what unsubscribe reasons exists, or how many would recommend you to their friends.

Find answers to your questions

Do you know what accessories or extra products your users want? What pet do they have? Some things can't be automatically found out, so you need to ask people. Use your imagination and find answers to any question.

Predefined campaigns

Right question at the right moment. Why they don't finish the purchase? What was unpleasent during shopping? Why do they unsubscribe? All these and a few more can be answered fast.

Would your clients recommend you?

Increase average order value with accesories or other items that your clients would like. Create your own cross-sell at category level, such that your little selling products will be gone.

Question types

You can ask open questions, close questions with one or multiple answers, using our easy to use visual editor. It's so easy to add questions or edit them, that you don't need to have done it before.

Poll answers

See real-time answers, in both table and graph format. Process the results in a Google Spreadsheet or Excel.

How can you improve your business results using polls and surveys?

Find our answers to any question from our specialists. Create a FREE account or contact us.

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