Web personalization

Onsite dynamic interactions are necessarily to create a better shopping experience. You can collect email addresses, deacrease bounce rate or encourage clients to finish purchase.

Over 40 segmentation conditions

New or returning visitor? Old client or just visiting? Mix over 40 segmentation conditions and deliver the best message in order to get the client to buy from you.

Visual editor

Change texts by yourself, add images or dynamic tags. You can use dynamic variables from website or user profile tags. Activate user location for geographical conditions and attributes.

Exit intent trigger

You already know that abandonment rate decreases your sales. Exit intent can be greeted with dedicated messages to keep the user onsite: a coupon code, free shipping, email subscription are same campaigns examples.

5 trigger types

A message displayed at the right time can increase conversion rate or decrease abandonment rate. When page is loading, after 15 seconds or at user click on specific element you can display a specific message.

Design Gallery

A mega gallery with our best template designs is available under the editor options. Always improved and with new elements added will be a starting point to make campaigns by yourself, without a programmer.

Interact effectively

Interact with your visitors using various message types. Popups, lateral banners, top or bottom bars, left or right widgets are the most common interaction types. All designs are built first on mobile, so they are responsive and look very good.

Optimize existing content

You can manage all site banners, grouped on zones. Add display conditions based on user profile. For example replace subscription form for people who are already subscribed with a banner. Use site real estate more efficient.

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